Comprehensive peace agreement nepal pdf files

Since the signing of a comprehensive peace agreement in 2006, new nepal has continued to grapple with uncertainty and change there have been, for example, five different governments in six years but at the same time some impressive progress has been made in a number of areas. This agreement shall be called comprehensive peace agreement, 2006. The agreement shall come into effect today after a public declaration by the government and maoist parties. Cpa comprehensive peace agreement cpnm communist party of nepal maoist cpnuml communist party of nepal unified marxistleninist csa conflictsensitive approaches fncci federation of nepali chambers of commerce include gtzs inclusive development of the economy programme mjf madhesi jana adhikar forum na nepal army. As with most armed conflicts, children were amongst those most seriously and particularly affected. Nepal signed a comprehensive peace agreement cpa that included an ambitious agenda of social inclusion, rule of law. Both parties shall mean nepal government and the communist party of.

From building political momentum to sustaining peace of a political agreement. The comprehensive peace agreement cpa between the communist party of nepal maoists cpnm and the government of nepal gon saw the end of an internal armed conflict that had played out across nepal for over a decade. Local mediation and sustainable peace in the central african republic. A peacebuilding tool for a conflictsensitive approach to. Human rights in nepal one year after the comprehensive. Nepali comprehensive peace agreement concluded between the government of nepal and the communist party of nepal maoist 11212006 posted by usip library on. In short the agreement shall be called peace agreement. Comprehensive peace agreement that ended nepal s decadelong civil con. Full text of the comprehensive peace agreement held between. As per the 6point agreement signed by spa and cpn maoist on november 7, 2006, the government and cpn maoist have agreed to sign a comprehensive peace agreement on november 16. It provides financial and technical assistance to innovative. The comprehensive peace agreement cpa, hammered out to end the 10year fighting between the maoists and government forces that claimed more than,000 lives, was thrown into jeopardy in may 2009 when the maoists withdrew from the government. The name of this agreement is comprehensive peace agreement. Making it work executive summary and recommendations nepal s government and maoist rebels have signed a comprehensive peace agreement cpa declaring an end to the tenyear civil war, paving the way for inclusion of the rebels in mainstream politics and june 2007 elections to.

The context of the peace talks 10 nepal s conflict and human rights 10 failed peace talks in 2001 and 2003 11 negotiating justice in nepal s peace process. Seven parties and communist party of nepal maoists in regards to the increasing order of violation and breach of the peace pact, questioning its validity and its binding nature. Unofficial translation of the comprehensive peace agreement concluded between. Comprehensive peace agreement between the government of. Unofficial translation of the comprehensive peace agreement 2006. The government of nepal and communist party nepal maoist have signed a historic peace accord comprehensive peace accord cpa, declaring a formal end to a 10year rebel insurgency. The ceasefire agreement signed in may 2006 was largely respected, and after several years in which the nepal army was confined to its barracks and maoist forces to cantonments, the majority of former maoist combatants appear to have retired while a smaller number were integrated into the national armed forces per the comprehensive peace agreement.

This report by advocacy forum nepal af, in collaboration with the international center for transitional justice ictj nepal. Advocacy forum advocacy forum district ofadvocacy forum. An interim constitution was established, and the democratic election of a constituent assembly ca resulted in both the abolition of nepal s. Status quo anatomy of the 2006 comprehensive peace. Institutional developments and political trends in focus areas samson s.

Research for this paper was conducted while she was director of the conflict prevention and peace forum of the social science research council. In 2008, nepal peacefully elected a constituent assembly ca which voted into office. Comprehensive peace agreement integrating internal. Nevertheless, international commitment is to support a peace process based on fundamental rights. This comprehensive peace agreement has been reached between. It also set a timetable for a southern sudanese independence referendum. The 9 january signing of the comprehensive peace agreement between the government of the sudan and the sudan peoples liberation movement was a historic moment of great opportunity for the. If this is coupled with the will to create conditions for holding elections by midapril 2008 as promised, it could. Comprehensive peace agreement peace accords matrix. A brief overview of conflict agreement among political parties and the cpa.

Both theparties shallissue necessary directives to all the agencies underthem to immediately implement and abide by the agreement and implement ensure implementation. Substantial progress has been made in the implementation of the accord, although tensions between the maoists and other political groups are still strained. Nepal 20082012 3 implementation of the comprehensive peace agreement was provided for through the establishment of a constituent assembly. Isbn 9789290926030 print, 9789290926047 pdf publication stock no. Comprehensive peace agreement united states institute of peace. Status quo anatomy of the 2006 comprehensive peace agreement state actors. Comprehensive peace accord concluded between the government of nepal and the communist party of nepal maoist preamble. The signing of the comprehensive peace agreement of 2006 ended the armed conflict and created a base for a permanent peace and a transition towards democratic politics. The cpa was meant to end the second sudanese civil war, develop democratic governance countrywide, and share oil revenues. Multiannual indicative programme mip 20142020 nepal list of abbreviations adb asian development bank ads agriculture development strategy ca constituent assembly cpa comprehensive peace agreement csp country strategy paper danida development branch of. Fairness and efficiency in reparations to conflict. The conflict ended with a comprehensive peace agreement cpa in november 2006 which formally committed both sides to peace and constitutional change while providing for the return and rehabilitation of all those displaced by the conflict.

Respecting the peoples mandate expressed in favour of democracy, peace and progress by the nepali people through the historic struggles and peoples movement, launched, from time to time, since prior to 1950 to till now. Comprehensive peace agreement this comprehensive peace agreement has been reached between government of nepal and cpn maoist with commitment to transform ceasefire between government of nepal and cpn maoist into sustainable peace. Government of nepal and the cpn maoist, all agreements. On 7 july 2006, the government asked the icdc to begin its work. The government of nepal, as verified by an official at the embassy of nepal, washington, d. From the comprehensive peace agreement to the nepal peace trust fund ecun partnership on gender equality for development and peace october 2010. The newly formed multiparty government concluded a comprehensive peace agreement with the maoists that opened the way for the new interim constitution, which came into force in january 2007. This process began before the signing of the comprehensive peace agreement on 21 november 2006. Human childrenintheranks rights human rights watch.

The case of nepal page 3 introduction the november 2006 comprehensive peace agreement cpa formally ended the tenyear conflict in nepal between the king gyanendras royal nepal army and the communist party of nepal maoist. The government of nepal and cpn maoist hereby conclude this comprehensive peace agreement with commitments to convert the present ceasefire into lasting peace. Wassara phd1 introduction the sudan is a vast and varied country in terms of its geography and people, defining its social and political relations from the colonial era through independence. The name of this agreement is comprehensive peace agreement 2006. Fairness and efficiency in reparations to conflict affected persons in nepal following the decadelong armed conflict between the government forces and maoist fighters, which ended with the signing of the 2006 comprehensive peace agreement. Nepal s fourteenth plan, and international commitments and norms to which nepal is a party. Case study series women in peace and transition processes. Of particular interest is the element of inclusion during these processes, and its relationship with the desired outcome of. Both theparties shallissue necessary directives to all the agencies underthem to immediately implement and abide by the agreement and implement ensure. The comprehensive peace agreement was signed on 21 november and consolidated a series of commitments to human rights made in previous agreements. The comprehensive peace agreement, also known as the naivasha agreement, was an accord signed on january 9, 2005, by the sudan peoples liberation movement and the government of sudan. Leaping off from the lessons learned from the previous undaf 202017, this new framework builds upon successes, incorporates emerging issues and agreements, and serves to address nepal s larger economic, social, and environmental objectives.

Mandated in 2007 by the interim constitution of nepal, the purpose of. This accord shall be referred as the comprehensive peace. This comprehensive peace agreement has been reached between government of nepal and cpn maoist with commitment to transform. Making it work nepal s government and maoist rebels have signed a comprehensive peace agreement cpa declaring an end to the tenyear civil war, paving the way for inclusion of the rebels in mainstream politics and june 2007 elections to an assembly that is to write a new constitution. Brought about through a combination of democratic, communist, ethnic, diplomatic, and other forms of mobilization, the agreement set the stage for the interim constitution of 2007, which re. A framework agreement, and the peoples movement progress in the peace talks in 2006 14 international support and assistance 16. Allowing words to replace substance undermines such principles. File received in email on november 28, 2006 english unofficial translation of the comprehensive. On the same day, an interim parliament including maoist representatives was formed, and, in april that year, the maoists also joined the government.

The comprehensive peace agreement signed by the government of nepal and the countrys major political parties, including the then communist party of nepal maoist on november 21, 2006, called for a transitional justice process to address the human rights violations committed during the conflict. Concluding type of conflict date of agreement name womens. Following that agreement, the nepal peace and development strategy 2010 emphasizes a more focused targeting of funds to gendersensitive interventions as part of the longterm peacebuilding effort. Nepal s comprehensive peace agreement 2006 highlights social inclusion and gender sensitivity. Track 14 nepal 2006 comprehensive peace agreement no formal presence track 15 guinea. The name of this agreement is comprehensive peace accord. Comprehensive peace accord signed between nepal government.

On 16 june 2006, the government of nepal and the maoists agreed to form an interim constitution draft committee icdc to create the draft interim constitution within 15 days. Case study women in peace and transition processes. Livelihoods, basic services and social protection in nepal. This comprehensive peace agreement seeks to end the conflict between the government of nepal and the communist party of nepal maoist. Review article nepals ongoing political transformation. By making the ceasefire permanent, the accord declares the armed insurgency that began since february, 1996 as officially over. A sixyear interim period dated from 9 july 2005 is established during which the southern sudanese will have the right to govern affairs in their region and participate equitably in the national government. Comprehensive peace agreement between the government of nepal and the communist party of nepal maoist summary. In november 2006, the decadelong insurgency between maoists and the government of nepal came to an end with the signing of a peace agreement. Financing inclusive peace and security for women in nepal. This agreement shall come into effect through public announcement by both the government and the maoists. The commitments include many of the government of nepal s obligations under international law to respect, promote and ensure human rights of all persons within nepal without discrimination.